WhatsApp Meta is a version that takes people’s privacy very seriously and gives them features that allow them to share their thoughts with confident. If you want to use more new and enhanced features for your chatting then you should use Fouad WhatsApp APK on your phone or any other device. This is a modern-styled APK that is very smartly designed by the developer as it has many privacy options. In 2015, it was developed by Fouad MODS, when the developers designed this application, from the very beginning the number of users started to increase to millions and this app became very popular from the start. This Mod version of WhatsApp provides you with many advanced features which are not available in common WhatsApp.
Key Information about Fouad WhatsApp APK
App Name | Fouad WhatsApp APK |
Android Version | Latest |
Downloads | 100,000+ |
Category | Social |
Size | 75MB |
Wondering New Features of Fouad WhatsApp APK
Here are many new important features of this amazing WhatsApp APK please read carefully,
- Disable forwarded messages
- Remove read more
- Download video and photos on the status
- Communities with your friends
- Group chatting and calls
- Anti-deleted messages and status
- Secret view status
- Share status with specific persons
- Favorite messages and videos
- Upload status in HD
- Broadcast
- App Lock with fingerprint
- Auto replay
- Screen Recorder
Disable forwarded messages
In WhatsApp, you can disable forward messages, from which if you send a message to any person, this pay forward will not be applied, but the direct message will be conveyed to them. After turning on this feature, the forward tag will be removed from the message.
Remove read more
In Common WhatsApp, when you send someone a large paragraph message, you are given the option of reading more. But this feature of APK allows users to send any large message without reading more. To enable this function go to the setting of this APK.
Download video and photos on the status
Sometimes you like the status or pictures of one of your family or friends but you find it difficult to download them so you have to download a third software on your phone. But in this application, you are given a feature that allows you to download anyone’s status video or images without any third-party downloader.
Communities with your friends
If you are studying or you have a group of friends of one or more then this WhatsApp has given you a feature that allows you to stay connected with each other in the form of a community. You can create many communities in the same device and you can also share many things.
Group chatting and calls
In this wonderful App, you are given the option of group chatting, with which you can create a group and give it any name, so you can chat with many friends at the same time. Apart from this, you can also make audio and video calls to each other in the group.
Anti-deleted messages and status
With the help of this amazing feature you read the deleted message and recover them without any trouble. Also, if a person has deleted a status, you can easily see that too and also save it later in your phone Gallery.
Secret view status
If you want to let a person know that you have seen their status, then after enabling this function, you can hide your status. The advantage of enabling this function is that no other person will know that you have checked their status.
Share status with specific persons
In this updated version of WhatsApp, the privacy of the status has been taken care of, for example, if you want to show your status to only a few friends or family members you can now do it by choosing the three options provided by developers, My contacts, my contacts expect, and the last one is only share with. After selecting any of these three options, your status will be shown only to those people who have selected it.
Favorite messages and videos
This is a new and great feature of Fouad WhatsApp APK, it allows you to favorite your chats and videos or photos if your phone space is low or you can’t keep them in Google Drive. You can easily manage your chats and videos and keep safe from this feature.
Upload status in HD
If you want to upload any status in this application, you can upload it directly within the same resolution HD so you don’t need any other application at all to convert your videos in HD.
In this wonderful application, you are given a very good broadcast function that allows you to forward a message to all people at the same time. To enable this feature you have to go to its settings then select the broadcast key option and enable it to enjoy it.
App Lock with fingerprint
To further increase the privacy of the users, this function has been added by which you can lock your app fingerprint.
Auto replay
With the help of this feature you can now manage your chat to someone with auto replay function. To use this you will have to enable it first.
Screen Recorder
Considering the privacy policy of WhatsApp, you can’t take a screenshot of someone’s profile photo, but this Fouad WhatsApp APK has added a feature that allows you to record any person’s chat through a screen recorder.
How to Download
- It is a third-party application you will not find it on the Google Play store
- You have to search it on Google Chrome and any browser provided by Android
- Now search the name of Fouad WhatsApp APK to download
- This will show you many sites you will have to be very careful while choosing the link
- Tap the link provided by Chrome
- Now this Application will be downloaded successfully on your Android manager
How to install
- First of all, go the Android file manager and click the downloaded file
- Now you have to permit to install unknown sources on your phone setting
- When permission is granted the fill will be installed on your Android
- Now you can manage your account and enjoy the popular Application
Final Words
Fouad WhatsApp is a very awesome and best tool to chat with your friends so you can make audio-video calls with your friends with full privacy features. In the article above about these features, you have been given a very good overview of each feature. When you change your Simple WhatsApp to Fouad WhatsApp APK, you will see the difference from there which features were not present in Simple WhatsApp, which are provided in in this application. To protect this App from ban you have to update it from time to time.
Is it safe for devices?
Yes, it is a completely safe application for your Android or any devices you install it on. Because it also has an account creation process just like simple WhatsApp.
How to install Fouad WhatsApp APK?
You have to use your Chrome browser to install this application because it is a third-party application so it does not provide you with Google Play Store.
Is it an illegal or legal Application?
This is a pure and safe application, so it is not illegal because it is just like normal WhatsApp, the only difference is that it has advanced features, keeping in mind the privacy of the users.